Resources for Community Volunteers

Thank you for being a community volunteer! You represent the lifeblood of this effort.

Getting businesses, institutions and individuals to display our posters and other materials is an important part of reaching and engaging people in their communities. Our volunteers use Diversity is Beauty Community Kits to provide posters and adhesive mounting squares for community businesses, institutions and individuals to display.

We want to publicly thank and acknowledge the commitment of those who display our posters by listing them on our web site and acknowledging them through social media. This requires the business/institution/individual to provide permission and other information which is completed online at: This also allows us to collect their social media and website information should they choose to share it.

Ideally, this form is completed on the spot with the volunteer. However, should the individual wish to complete it at a later time, the volunteer can simply provide them with the link or provide them with a 1-page document that provides all the necessary information. You can download the document here.

Finally, we are building a gallery of images showing Diversity is Beauty posters and materials displayed in storefronts, coffee shops, residences, etc. For that reason we are asking our volunteers to take a few photos of the posters once hung. These images can be uploaded online (there is a section of the permission form above that allows for uploading of images). In some cases, however, the individual may choose to hang the poster at a later time in which case they can take their own photos and upload them with the permission form. In other cases it may be necessary for the volunteer to return to the business/institution/individual later to take photos. In that case, please use the form below to submit the photos. (Note that we still need the permission form submitted to use the imagery.)

Should you run out of materials and need to order another Diversity is Beauty Community Kit, please contact us.

  • Name of volunteer
  • Please let us know what city and state/province where the poster(s) and/or other materials will be displayed, corresponding to the business/institution, residence, etc. entered above.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 10.
      Please be sure a permission form has been submitted.
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